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4th Amendment Entrapment-Triangulation-Crime RICO 
Is Not Match To Frame 147.148__ Triangulating Entrapment Coordination-Between shitbag wearing red shirt in light brown jeep cherokee and white van 1984, 1985 + in addition to the probability of involvement by FRAME 33,34,35+40 ====================== Authorized by Art1.Sec10 Republic for the united States Of America. The preservation of self in the unalienable right to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness shall not be infringed. This freedom in protection of flesh and blood real man; real woman; thereof using tools 1st Amendment for the expressed purpose/Preserving and protecting 4th Amendment against foreign and domestic terrorists and enemies of freedom Further info-> ___Subject A- (Refer) ___Microcosm of parasitic neighborhood snitching bitches in disguise. Massive surveillance grid. BEWARE__HATERS SECRET CIRCLE ___The most recent investigation points to parasitic coward Subject-A as alleged ringleader __. Subject A- (Refer) Evidence suggests by repudiating the position of alleged bitch in disguise Subject-A receives information for the purpose of method -ENTRAPMENT-Many reported harassment over 10 years of life___ MODALITY TEMPLATE---I.E.C.C.S.S.H.M. Invasive. Electronic. Cyber. Cellphone.Stalking.Surveillance.Harassment.Mechanism__ from sources nearby, locally or interstate; to cause harassment using cellphone technology with the interception of the target. Violation of crime RICO/ Wiretapping; for the purpose of triangulating the targets freedom of movement; violation of 4th Amendment. By receiving information shit eating douchebags; across this investigation, under its surveillance grid as framework for invasive harassment. Subjects by enabling cyber crime are hereby pronounced guilty with cause and prejudice and probable grand jury by indicment, with evidence provided. Criminal assault, cyber crime:wiretapping under RICO statutes Criminal entrapment (4th Amendment) under methods of harassment in the modality of little pieces of shit cowards attempted intimidation, attempted murder, criminal harassment, domestic terrorism, criminal assault, swarming, cyber crime; Such as example; Subject A- (Refer)/ ___ > Under the modality/ I.E.C.C.S.S.H.M. From sources nearby causing what is known as *TARGETED HARASSMENT, as a form of CYBER CRIME as MOTIVE; The INTENT, cellphone, and internet,wiretapping; in the form of CAUSE STALKING primarily by; the interception of and triangulating movement and within seconds of target taking out the trash Subjects/Subject-A-> are hereby causing entrapment violation (4th Amendment) __The inequity of the selfish and tyranny of evil men, within extremely advanced surveillance grid built within 2nd tier and 3rd levels of internet spectrum. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides-Across the internet infrastructure are pedophile child molesting parasitic psychopaths. I.E.C.C.S.S.H.M. Reference/ Molesting Children in the Name of Science_ Be Sure To Distribute For Full Effect/ ____ The facts alleged de facto parasitic harassment agents against targets aura and freewill movement by weaponizing the internet to perpetrate heinous extrajudicial hate crimes to then snitch on the police; by blaming the hate crime on the target; a subterfuge of subhuman haters secret circle rolling in its own feces__ Also; including, but not limited to, the self destruction of little people such as school age children; targeted harassment has no age boundaries... Suicide rates of school ages especially children do not lie. The statistics are of systemic cause of obliterating and destroying a living man or living womans freedom of movement, all ages, violation of (4th Amendment) His or her unalienable right to the pursuit of life,liberty, and happiness obliterated and obfuscated, by these parasitic slime infested insects. The idea of targeted harassment- and leveraging subhuman, parasitic subterfuge, falls within possibility of Hegelian Dialectic, a means and motive of clamping down, and controlling freedoms provided for by the internet mostly FREE SPEECH, falling under the definition of Hegelian Dialectic, which is conflict management, a form of control mechanics, defined as problem, reaction, solution: Hegelian Dialectic, (reference: ___ Also reference--hater coward bitches in disguise attacking the messenger- mass resistance__ Also___ hater predatory insects attack the message--cyber crime across internet spectrum-mass resistance___ ___Subject A- (Refer) Is described as one of many typical ringleaders/snitching bitches in disguise in any city USA___ ___Subject-A is modeled as a controller as one of regional; handlers of pathology, within geographic demographic area (any city USA) HOP as Handlers of pathology-- of the OCT, Subject A-HOP are generally found as controllers managing personnel,information gathering to be used against target. Also recruiting, sniffing out fresh meat (under age 14 considered prime) Conducting harassment, and domestic terrorism against TARGET. Massive surveillance against a man or woman. Any ages applicable. Many HOP infiltrate libraries, and psychological institutions as layers of security protection from exposure. The recruits are bitches in disguise similar to drone pilots fire bombing sovereign nations, or chemtrailing metropolitan areas worldwide____ The OCT (Octupussy Coward Tentacles) The OCT are described as swarming locusts. The OCT conduct coordinated attacks against targets directed by HOP leaders. Its primary motive is lust for power. Power is its nectar.___ The preponderance of evidence upon review of this site suggests culpability with impeccable sources, observational testimony and photographic evidence is far too overwhelming to come to any contrary opinion._ ___ Weaponizing the internet via subterfuge- subhuman psychotic shit eating cowards are the lowest form of feces oozing parasitic stinking slime. Piles of vomiting feces. While many targets becomes a genuine threat against the HOP leaders. These insects simply snitch on the police- blaming its hate crime against its target of harassment. Its a final layer of security to blame the target and effective because it wipes its hate crimes clean to blame the target. What is duress___Predatory Neighborhood Cyber Criminal Parasitic Cowards-Unlawful Criminal Intent-BEWARE__ ___Predatory Invasive-Parasitic Maggot Information Channel___ ___Gov't Sanctioned Predatory Gangstalking___ ___This is basic description in the operation of feeder bitches in disguise behind internet spectrum using layers of technology; such as social media like Twitter and Facebook as subterfuge as the mechanics of subterfuge and blizzard of hate crimes on x-number of targets; unknown possible/probable 5000 targets; all computerized for easy access to information to be used against any of the targets. BEWARE to your children! Children experience higher suicide rates; as victims of cyber crime___CYBER CRIMINAL BLUEPRINT___50,000 Racist Infested Predatory Parasitic Cowards Attack the Living-. Attempted Murder and Criminal Assault___ ___Consequences of Traditional Man&Woman Unions___ ___All-Blacks Meditation-Pregame___ ___Sodom and Gonorrhea: Pride Comes Before the Fall___ ___Americans for Truth Against Shyte Eating Rotting Sleaze---> Pride Comes Before the Fall____ ____ Parasitic Douchebag Skeletons in Closet Deep Dark Secret Circle )))) ____ ____Arrest the Criminal Child Molesting Parasitic Insects___ MUST READ4TRUTH--> ___DISTRIBUTE WORLDWIDE ))))) See Also: Molesting Children in the Name of Science:Distribute For Full Effect____